E.D.T. Products -- S1V S1V



The S1V provides monochrome video capture and output capability for the Sun SPARCstation. Eight bits of data per pixel provide 256 levels of gray. Either 60 Hz (RS-170) or 50 Hz (CCIR) signals are supported. Unfiltered NTSC or PAL signals can also be digitized. The S1V has 1MB of RAM to store two frames of data. It can capture or display from either buffer. A frame capture trigger provides external frame grab capability from the B input.



A standard SunOS loadable device driver for the Sun SPARCstation is included. The driver provides access to all frame buffer functions including single capture and continuous capture capabilities; it includes features for controlling the device and determining its status. Example programs include an X-windows based, real time image capture/display tool and other sample programs which demonstrate the S1V capabilities.



EDT provides several levels of customer support, from phone consultation to custom design of hardware, software, or FCode drivers, at hourly rates. The S1V driver source code is available for an additional charge.

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